Renewal document list

Preliminary Plans of Parish Groups
February 2005

The following preliminary plans had been received by the Renewal Team prior to its report on February 13, 2005.



Altar Guild


Counting Team

Craft Group

Envelope Secretary

Outreach Committee

Pastoral Care Team

Welcoming Committee  



Mission Statement:

To proclaim by word and service the Good News of Jesus Christ and to love and serve and be a pastor to the people committed to my care and to the communities in which God calls me. To preach and teach about God’s Love and Grace, to work towards justice and peace and to joyfully preside at the Eucharist, Baptisms, and other Sacraments. To take part in diocesan ministry where appropriate. 


  • To learn and develop leadership skills to best serve the community of St. James.
  • To nurture my own prayer life and spiritual journey, so that I can be a support for the parishioners in their own spiritual journeys.
  •  To co-ordinate Christian education for all age groups and to develop lay leaders and to set up programs for all learning styles.
  • To help my preaching to become more focused and centered.
  • To develop a worship committee to oversee the worship life of St. James and to set up a way for comments and suggestions to be made by the parishioners to be heard.


  • To recognize my own leadership style and to look for others to share in leadership when other types of leadership are needed.
  • To pray daily and find ways to strengthen my own prayer life, e.g., Retreat yearly, spiritual direction, prayer workshops.
  • To create a spirituality and education team and train lay leaders to provide opportunities for growth for parishioners of all ages.
  • To revive the worship committee.
  • To create a sermon evaluation team from the parish and work together to make sermons as effective as possible.    




The ACW of St. James, Manotick exists as a group to encourage all women of our church to use their gifts and skills to provide fellowship, social outreach and fundraising.

Our goals are as follows;

  1. To increase our membership.
  2. Expand our outreach programs.
  3. Explore fellowship opportunities.
  4. To raise awareness within the parish of ACW.



Altar Guild


Mission statement- 

            With love and reverence we prepare the church for worship.


            We offer our service to God so that we may

·         reverently prepare the sanctuary for the priest to celebrate the Eucharist and other acts of worship

·         give the congregation a setting which will enhance the worship experience

·         attract new members by showing our dedication & fellowship

·         care for those objects which reflect the heritage of worship  which has continued for nearly130 years at St. James’. 


            The impact of our service on worship in general is obvious.  However, the outreach component also exists. Unless donors request otherwise the altar flowers are sent to parishioners who have been ill or grieving. In addition, the wider community calls on St. James for baptisms, weddings and funerals, giving Altar Guild members the opportunity to show their living faith to others. 

While there is a strong education component in the training of new Altar Guild members, much less is done with the congregation as a whole. One possibility is more liaison with Sunday School and confirmation classes.

Membership in Altar Guild provides opportunity for fellowship and mutual support in the teams and among the teams.


            At present there are four teams each taking one duty week in rotation.  The duty week begins Saturday morning, and members are required to tidy and dust the sanctuary, arrange flowers, check oil and wicks in candles, and set up credence table and altar for the early service.  Between the two services the altar rail is cleaned, the chalice scalded and then washed, and the credence table and altar reset.  After the service everything is cleared away, all brass is cleaned and the small linens taken home to be washed and ironed. If there are weddings, funerals, or baptisms, the same routine is followed with addition of items such as the Paschal candle, wedding cushions, funeral pall, baptismal font, spoons and candles.  Special festivals such as Christmas, Easter or Thanksgiving also require special decorating and general brass cleaning.

            There is an annual general meeting, usually in January, and election of officers occurs then.  Recently, the president and vice-president have tended to serve two to three years in those positions. The president attends Parish Council and reports to it. As well, the president advises members of Parish Council initiatives.



  1. Mission Statement

                To lead in the music of worship to the glory of God.

  1.  Goals


Provide musical leadership in worship services. 


Provide guidance, education and training relating to the music of worship in the context of the liturgical year. 


Foster Christian camaraderie within the choir, and support the parish in its fellowship ministry. 


Through musical offerings, take part in the broader life of the parish within the community.


  1.  Strategy


·   Expand our repertoire of music in the Anglican context;

·   Encourage instrumentalists in the congregation to participate in worship through music;

·   Participate in ecumenical worship, e.g., Good Friday services.


·   Help the congregation to participate in liturgical music, and to understand the relationship of music to the liturgical seasons;

·   Provide guidance to new choir members;

·   Hold weekly practices to maintain a high musical standard;

·   Continuously improve our musical skills through training and exercises.



·     Actively seek and welcome new members;

·     Hold social activities from time to time, to bring members together in Christian fellowship;

·     Participate, as individuals or as a group, in the social life of the parish.



·     Sing informally at parish events, such as the Christmas Fayre;

·     Participate in occasional special services such as weddings and funerals, and pay informal visits to places such as Carleton Lodge, where appropriate;

·     Stage musical entertainment as a fundraiser from time to time, for the parish and the community.


  1. Organization and Membership

As of 1 January 2005, the choir numbers 24 members.  Its musical leader is Organist and Director, Wayne Whitney.  In terms of organization for related purposes, the executive consists of a president, treasurer, librarian, social convenor, and wardrobe supervisor.  Elections take place annually in the fall; our tradition is that each office holder normally serves for several years.  At present choir officers are as follows:




Spruce Riordon


Pamela Best


Hugh Best

Social convenor

Marg Moloney

Wardrobe supervisor

Sue Fleck




Counting Team

St. James Vision Statement: 

“St. James’ is a Christian Community Joyfully Serving and Growing in God’s Love” 

Counting Team Mission Statement: 

To make this vision a reality, the Counting Team will: 

  • Maintain a very high level of confidentiality with respect to the financial commitment and personal information of each member of St. James.
  • Verify that the envelope contents are as stated on the envelope to ensure that an accurate offertory record is maintained for each parishioner.
  • Complete an accurate count of the Sunday offertory and prepare the required bank deposit documents.  For safety purposes, this deposit should be taken to the bank by a Counter and Verifier immediately following the church service.
  • Work as dedicated volunteers committed to growth in Christ through their service of offertory counting.

Goals associated with the Counting Team’s Mission Statement: 

  • Maintain a very high level of confidentiality with respect to the financial commitment and personal information of each member of St. James.
    • Protect the financial commitment and personal information of each active or in-active member of St. James by guarding and not disclosing any personal information to anyone.
  • Verify that the envelope contents are as stated on the envelope to ensure that an accurate offertory record is maintained for each parishioner.
    • The Counting Team will verify and accurately record the information for the benefit of the parishioners, the Envelope Secretary and Corporation.
  • Complete an accurate count of the Sunday offertory and prepare the required bank deposit documents.  For safety purposes, this deposit should be taken to the bank by a Counter and Verifier immediately following the church service.
    • Prepare a complete and accurate deposit and provide required detail to the Envelope Secretary and Treasurer immediately following the church service.
  • Work as dedicated volunteers committed to growth in Christ through their service of offertory counting.
    • The Counting team members will be dependable, trustworthy, discreet and joyful in the fulfillment of their role as Offertory Counters.


Counting Team Organization and Membership:

  • Leader:                         Gaye Scott

  • Assistant:                     Alan Lew

  • Counting Team:            Margie Hartley

Heather and Kyle Brophy
            Kathy Pitcher
            Larry and Cheryl Moulds
            Shirley Hilchuk

·          Meeting frequency:            Quarterly



Craft Group


“St. James is a Christian Community Joyfully Serving & Growing in God’s Love”


To be a part of St. James’ Vision, the Craft Group will: 

  • Create a variety of crafts to be sold for the purpose of making donations to outreach.
  • Strive to be a warm & friendly group, attracting others in fellowship.
  • Act as dedicated volunteers working in fun for the benefit of others.


  • To create a variety of well-made crafts to provide funds for St. James’ and the A.C.W. Outreach missions, etc.
  • To continue to welcome new members and be a supportive, friendly community.
  • To happily perform our craft making duties as dedicated volunteers for the benefit of those in our Church and also in the outside community.

Our group’s leader is Helen Logan and we currently have the following ‘crafters’ as members:  Maureen Boast, Heather Brophy, Heather Fogo, Diana Graham, Margie Hartley, Frances Huddleson, Irene May, Beryl Sheridan, Lore Walters.  Also, there are a few parishioners who contribute by making crafts at home and bringing them in for the bazaar.



Envelope Secretary

St. James Vision Statement: 

“St. James’ is a Christian Community Joyfully Serving and Growing in God’s Love”

Envelope Secretary Mission Statement:

To make this vision a reality, the Envelope Secretary will:

  • Maintain a very high level of confidentiality with respect to the financial commitment of each member of St. James.
  • Ensure that an accurate offertory record is maintained for all parishioners of St. James.
  • Issue a weekly funds report and ad hoc reports to the Treasurer to assist with the decision making relative to the financial obligations of the church.
  • Provide guidance and education to the Counting Team and members of the parish.

Goals associated with Envelope Secretary Mission Statement: 

  • Maintain a very high level of confidentiality with respect to the financial commitment and personal information of each member of St. James.
    • Protect the financial commitment and personal information of each active or in-active member of St. James by guarding and not disclosing any personal information to anyone.
  • Ensure that an accurate offertory record is maintained for all parishioners of St. James.
    • Accurately input weekly offertory based on source document – parishioner envelope and amount shown on the envelope.
    • Assistant Envelope Secretary reviews input for accuracy.
    • Every effort will be taken to ensure that personal information that is used for administrative purposes is as accurate, up-to-date and complete as possible.
  • Issue a weekly funds report and ad hoc reports to the Treasurer to assist with the decision making relative to the financial obligations of the church.
    • Weekly funds report will be prepared and sent to the Treasurer each Friday.
    • Ad hoc reports will be addressed and actioned as required.
  • Provide guidance and education to the Counting Team and members of the parish.
    • Simplify the training and ongoing instruction/procedure for the Counting team to ensure accurate reporting and deposits.
    • Issue quarterly reminders to the parish members to advise them of the importance and benefit of recording the amount of their offertory on the envelope.

Envelope Secretary Organization and Membership:

  • Leader:                         Gaye Scott
  • Assistant:                     Alan Lew
  • Support members:            Counting Team             Margie Hartley

Heather and Kyle Brophy

Kathy Pitcher

Larry and Cheryl Moulds

Shirley Hilchuk

·          Meeting Frequency:            Quarterly



 Outreach Committee

  1. Mission Statement

Following Christ’s order to love one another, the Outreach group sees itself as a facilitator and enabler in some small way, of this command. 

  1.  Goals



Continue to use bulletin to announce needs to the parish.


Encourage new members to join our committee.



Assist families in our area, local shelters and  various agencies through monetary & various (food & clothing etc.) donations.


  1.  Strategy


·   Encourage participation of the parish, through requests in the bulletin, to supply items needed for families we are assisting. 


·     Provide plants to our shut-ins at Easter – a service designed to keep seniors and shut-ins in touch with the Church Community. 


 ·     Allocate funds, donated to Outreach, to charitable, religious and educational agencies.

·     Continue to support families within our community who need assistance.

·     Arrange for drivers for “Meals-on-Wheels” as needed.


  1. Organization and Membership

As of January 2005, the Outreach Committee consists of  6 active members.  The goal is to expand this Ministry by actively recruiting parishioners from new and existing families.  




Jean Fillingham


Kathy Pitcher
Joanne Wilson
Frances Huddleson
Sue Fleck
Carole Whittal


 Pastoral Care Team

Mission Statement:

To share, actively and humbly, God's love and care with the sick, the shut-ins, the isolated, the lonely, and those in crisis. (Worship, outreach, education and fellowship


1.  To share our Ministry with the Church and the community at large; to reassure everyone that they are not alone or forgotten but that they are important, useful and needed

a)                  By sharing God’s love and care with the sick, shut-in, those in crisis and the lonely in the community at large (worship, outreach fellowship)

b)                  By keeping the members of the Parish informed of the work that we are doing on their behalf (education) 

2. To increase our Ministry within the Church and the community at large.

a)                 By encouraging people to tell us of those in need. (outreach)

b)                  By enlarging our membership so that we have an adequate number to deliver help and care to all in need without placing an undue burden on any one person. 


1.  To work with related Groups i.e. Outreach, Altar Guild, and Diocesan Pastoral  Care Training.

 2. Concrete actions:

a)            Pastoral visits with or without Father Rick. 

b)            Take and share a lunch with the lonely.

c)            Take Parishioners on our Prayer List a flower or plant particularly at Christmas and Easter.

d)            Send those on our Prayer List a card 4 times a year; Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and mid Summer.

3. Provide on-going training to members of the team.

4. Recruit new members .

5. Publicize our activities.

6. Assist at church services in Nursing Homes

7. Bring those requiring transportation to Church

8. Team members to meet together in fellowship, in joy and laughter; to share concerns with each other and in prayer.


1.    A Pastoral Care -Coordinator who

a)     Calls meetings (at least two per year),

b)     Informs members of those in need and arranges for a contact person.

c)      Arranges for ongoing training sessions

d)      Represents group at Parish Council or delegates to team member if necessary

e)        Reports to the Congregation as required

2.      Pastoral Care Team members who

a)       Visit the needy and carry out the objectives of the team as outlined above.

      3.      Leadership Succession

a)      Team will decide when a new leader is needed.

Marion Fleming
Pastoral Care Coordinator



Welcoming Committee

  1. Mission Statement

                To greet Newcomers and ensure that their first experience at St. James will be positive and lead to their becoming a part of our Church community.

  1.  Goals


Assist newcomers in becoming acquainted with the Anglican form of service and  familiar with our church premises. 


Provide information on church programs, e.g. Church School. 


Encourage newcomers to join the congregation for coffee after the service and ensure that they are introduced to the Rector and to other Parishioners. 


Invite newcomers to attend our Welcoming Supper and Parish events, get involved in activities and build relationships with Church Members. 


  1.  Strategy


·   Provide assistance with BAS, where necessary;

·   Show location of Nursery, Church School, Washrooms and Church Office. 


·   Encourage participation in Christian courses, e.g. Lenten / Advent / Bible Studies and Alpha;

·   Promote involvement in internal Church Ministries, Choir, ACW, Altar Guild;

·   Introduce parents to Church School Coordinator.



·     Actively welcome new members by engaging them in conversation;

·     Always be available and eager to help;

·     Make follow-up calls / home visitation if requested.



 ·     Ensure that newcomers are aware of, and invited to, all social events through telephone calls and handout of monthly church calendar;

·     Arrange special events, e.g., Pot Luck Dinners / Movie Nights.


  1. Organization and Membership

As of 1 January 2005, the Welcoming Committee consists of three active members.  The goal is to expand this Ministry by actively recruiting parishioners from new and existing families.  




Ray Armstrong


Marsha Riordon


Carole Whittall