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Allan McGregor's Visit
25 November 2001


                                    File photo of Allan: 9 September 2001

We were delighted to welcome Allan and Gail McGregor back to Saint James' parish on Sunday 25 November 2001.  The period during which Allan was parish priest (1986 -1998) was one of substantial growth; Allan led the move to build an extension which allowed for a proper office for the incumbent and the church secretary. 

The 10:00 am service was packed with parishioners who had come to renew their friendships with Allan and Gail.  At the end of the service Father Rick showed the congregation the new brass plaque which will designate the former multipurpose room as the 'McGregor Room', a fitting tribute to this much loved pair.

Following the service, parishioners met in Tomkins Hall for a potluck lunch and a pleasant chat with Allan and Gail.




Photos by Frank Sisson